A Ballet Month in Taos by Rob Spiegel
A Murder by Shiah IrgangLaden
Asperger´s Dance by Brenda Rose
Banderas Bay by D. J. Cawood
Beware by Lois Elaine Heckman
Cellist´s Soliloquy by Brigitte Goetze
Cinquain-Haiku-Tanka by David Edwards
City Waking Up In Rain by Lea Booth
Defilement by Louis Gallo
Diptych in Haiku Squares (CCXLV & CCXLVI)
by David Edwards
E Equals by Stacey Dye
Foam by Joanne Cucinello
Forever Town by Gary F. Iorio
Haiku Square CXXXII by David Edwards
Hangin’ with Cupid by Sue Russell
Heatwave by Linda B. Gamble
Hickory by Charlotte Zang
Katya by Lori S. Blake
Leaving by Linda B. Gamble
Music by S. Duane England
Pompeii by Elizabeth Caldwell Grant
Pulled Up by Brigitte Goetze
Raspberry Kisses by Rosalyn Marhatta
Read Me Now by Rosalyn Marhatta
Romance a Pomegranate by Sue Russell
Soggy Brew by J. Scott Shields
Spring by J. Scott Shields
The Book of Dust by Rhonda Melanson
The Day is Done by Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas
The Weight of the Day by Stacey Dye
To Fill Your Soul With Hosannah...
by Elizabeth Caldwell Grant
Villanelle: Ozark Dust by Leslie E. Hoffman
Where Am I? by Lois Elaine Heckman
Why? by Danielle Crowe
Wisteria Ignored by Jody Zolli
Without Wings by Rob Spiegel
Yellow Petal Drops by Rick Hartwel
An Old Box of Antiques by Mishka Mojabber Mourani
Blessings, Beauty, Breast and Breast Cancer by Francine L. Baldwin-Billingslea
Buying Twilight Books by J. E. Kellems III
Keening in the Rain by Jacqueline Doyle
Paper Dolls by Patricia Thomas
The Superwomen´s Club by Melissa Ferguson
Independent by Christine Kindberg
Swapping by Julia Friedman
The Lost Child by Rebecca Graf
The Loveliness Of Ladybirds by Linda Heywood
The Optometrist by Kate Dillon
The Philatelist´s Son by D. E. Fredd
The Trip to Uncle Leon´s by Ruth F. Michel
The Wedding Gift by C. M. White
To Friend Or Not To Friend by Michele Fleming